Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter weather policy on school closings!

As most of you are aware, it is extremely hard to predict snow and winter weather accurately around here. There may be no need for this reminder, but we will go ahead and remind everyone of our weather and school delay policy. Once again, we follow what Madison CITY Schools do. If Madison City Schools close for the day, so does Asbury CDC. If Madison City Schools open 1 hour late (9:00am), we open 1 hour later than they do(10:00). That would mean car line and everything would operate the same, just one hour later. If Madison City Schools open 2 hours late (10:00), we will be closed. Please watch the news channels early any morning that we have winter weather for school delays or closings. Hopefully we will have gotten through to report our closing to them for display on your TV screen. You can also call the CDC phone # 837-0394. The latest information should be recorded on our voice mail.